
Learn From These Mistakes Before You Learn Stock Market

Over the years, the stock market in UAE has generated great riches. The S&P 500, which contains 500 of the largest publicly traded corporations in the United States, has averaged an annual return of 8% to 12%. If you had put $10,000 in the stock market 50 years ago, it would have increased to about $380,000 today. However, keep in mind that the stock market does not always rise. Three out of every ten years, the S&P 500 drops. Some drops can be extremely painful, and the amount of volatility is not suitable for everyone. On the other hand, stocks have the potential to produce much higher long-term returns than other investment options if you can manage your fear.

A few of the major reasons which are motivating people to invest in the stock market are:

  • The possibility for better returns:

Compared to alternatives such as bank certificates of deposit, gold, and Treasury bonds, the key reason most individuals invest in stocks is the potential for higher returns. Since 1926, for example, the average stock market return has been around 10% per year; long-term government bonds have returned 5% to 6% per year during the same period.

  • The capacity to shield your wealth from inflation:

The stock market’s returns frequently outperform inflation rates. Since 1913, for example, the long-term inflation rate has been at 3.1 per cent per year. Stocks, on the other hand, have a double-digit annual return. Stocks in UAE have shown to be an effective inflation hedge.

  • The ability to receive consistent passive income:

Many businesses offer investors dividends or a percentage of their revenues. Although some corporations pay monthly dividends, the bulk pays quarterly dividends. Dividend income might assist an investor in augmenting their salary or retirement income.

  • The satisfaction of ownership:

A share of stock indicates a company’s fractional ownership. You can own a small piece of a business whose products or services you enjoy.

Many people are lured to investing in the stock markets today after hearing about the rags-to-riches storey of ace Indian investors. While there has been an increase in investor awareness of the Indian stock markets, some investors are unprepared for the volatility associated with this financial instrument. Many of these investors consider the stock market a “get-rich-quick” scam, while others see it as a place where profits can be made when stocks rise in value or perform well. That is all there is to it.

However, the stock markets are more than just rising and falling stock values. Indian stock markets have recently been more accessible to ordinary investors, providing them with incredible benefits and chances. In conclusion, the Indian stock markets can assist people, and small investors accumulate wealth.

Having seen the advantages and the good side of the stock market, we should always consider the drawbacks. A few of them are listed below:

  • Risk:

Your entire investment could be lost. Investors will sell a company’s shares if it performs poorly, causing the stock price to collapse. You will lose your initial investment if you sell. Bonds should be purchased if you cannot afford to lose your initial investment. 6

  • Last to be paid were common stockholders:

If a firm goes bankrupt, preferred investors, bondholders, and creditors get paid first. 7 However, this only occurs when a corporation goes bankrupt. If one company fails, a well-diversified portfolio should keep you safe.

  • Time:

If you’re buying stocks on your own, you’ll need to investigate each firm beforehand to see how profitable you think it will be before investing. You’ll need to learn how to interpret financial statements and annual reports and keep up with news about your company. You must also keep an eye on the stock market, as even the best companies’ stock prices can collapse in a market correction, crash, or bear market.

  • Taxes:

You may be able to earn a tax credit if you sell your stock at a loss. However, if you sell your stock for a profit, you will be subject to capital gains taxes.

  • A rollercoaster of emotions:

Stock values surge and fall second by second, creating an emotional roller coaster. Individuals are more likely to buy high and sell cheap out of greed and fear. The best thing to do is to check in regularly rather than continually looking at stock price swings.

  • Competition in the professional world:

Institutional investors and skilled traders have more time and knowledge to invest than retail investors. They also have access to advanced trading tools, financial models, and computer systems.

There are 67 companies listed on DFM as of 2014. Most of them are UAE-based businesses, with a few dual listings for businesses situated in other MENA nations. Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and Sudan are among the foreign countries represented. Many businesses enable foreigners to invest in their stock.

The volume of shares traded and the share prices of several firms increased significantly between 2004 and 2005. However, the bubble burst near the end of 2005 and into the first few months of 2006, resulting in a 60 per cent loss in DFM share values and similar drops in most other Persian Gulf stock markets.

The Dubai government fully owned DFM until November 2006, when it was converted into a public joint-stock company through an initial public offering (IPO), which resulted in the sale of 20% of its shares to the public, with the remaining 80% being subscribed by Borse Dubai, which the Dubai government owns. DFM’s first public offering (IPO) was 118 times oversubscribed.

Financial literacy is the most fundamental ability that everyone should possess. However, in India, discussing finances at home is not customary, and many people lack the fundamentals of money management, such as saving, investing, purchasing insurance, or having emergency reserves.

Saving and investing are vital values that should be instilled in children early. It will assist in comprehending the golden rule of investing: begin early. Being financially literate is one aspect that influences a developing country’s economic progress, such as India.

According to a global poll conducted by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P), India is home to 17.5 per cent of the world’s population. Still, roughly 76 per cent of its adult population lacks fundamental financial knowledge. It will help you grow long-term wealth, but it will also safeguard you and your family in an emergency.